Choosing a new Vet

If you just moved to a new area you may have to look for a new Vet closer to your home. Your Pet Vet is a very special person on your & your pet's lives.
You will build a relationship with the person for a long period, follow their advice and recommendations regarding your pet's health so the decision has to be right.
Knowledge and great people skills do matter.
You can ask for some of your local friends for any recommendations, check online, ask your local pet shop, Google it check the Vet Associations websites like AVA and so forth...
Once you've made the decision it'd be nice to introduce your pet to your new Vet and the vet clinic staff before the pet's first visit. So it'll have a nice positive association with the place for a start. Take a few nice treats along, say Hi to the vet nurse and let your pet get used to the new surroundings. Keep it calm and relaxed.
All this will make future visits a lot easier.