Pet Dog Training
ABN: 77 639 751 455
Equipment suitable to be used in our classes & courses:
Walking harnesses – with front leash attachment, with chest & top lead attachments or top lead attachment only
A soft collar & lead, no chain leads
We teach Positive Reinforcement dog training methods, force free – so no slip/ choker chains to be used in our courses/ classes. And please don’t have your dog wearing retractable leads as they are unsafe to be used in our courses.
We don’t do puppy/ dog training or leash walk training when the temperatures reach below 4C outdoors @ wintertime or over 34C in summer and in extreme weather conditions. In these situations we’ll reschedule the course class or consultation with the client for another suitable time/ day agreed by both dog trainer & client - on the same week or the following week, whatever suits them both and we’ll be in touch with the client the day before.
We don’t work with dangerous dogs. These cases are referred by us to a Veterinarian Behaviourist.
We do work with puppies or dogs that show low & mild reactivity towards people & other dogs
Each dog that starts our training programs needs to be properly assessed by Adriana Milne - the head dog trainer for suitability for our programs/ private classes and Puppy School group classes. This occurs on the first training session.
If the puppy / dog is found unsuitable for the particular program of clients’ choice, head dog trainer may suggest another better one for this particular dog and any price adjustments will be made accordingly.
We accept the following methods of payment:
- Internet banking
- Cash on the first day of training program/ course
- Credit card payments via Square
HOW TO BOOK for Puppy School courses - Dog Training – Behavioural Modification consultations
Puppy School, Junior Puppy School, Teenager Puppy School, Life Skills & Manners private courses have to be pre-booked, paid for before starting date, enrolment forms filled in, e-mailed back to instructor and puppies' current vaccination certificates sighted
Dog Training & Behavioural Modification packages of few visits need to be pre-booked, enrolment forms filled in and returned and package paid for in advance before we start training
Clients have up to 6 months to finish any private puppy/ dog courses and dog training- behavioural modification packages that have been pre-purchased keeping in mind that the recommendation is to have weekly or fortnightly sessions for quicker improvements and better outcomes for all involved.
Puppy School group classes have to be concluded during the respective course timeframe.
Refunds – Cancellation Policy
If a client becomes very ill or a family emergency does occur and they cannot do the respective course or program they have enrolled their puppy/ dog in - a full refund will be issued to them. Some evidence of the situation may be asked on discretion.
General Liability Waiver
Pet Pals Dog Training are not liable for any injury to your dog or persons attending sessions. Whilst all care is taken during training if any dog during a training session causes injury, Pet Pals Dog Training and its employees are not liable for any costs arising out of such damage. Responsibility lies with the owner of the dog or person responsible. Reactive dogs must be handled by an adult person only.
Puppy School Group Classes:
Our Puppy School group classes aren't suitable for very reactive puppies or puppies already displaying aggressive behaviours towards other dogs or people. These specific situations need to be worked individually with a private dog trainer on a one to one basis through a specific dog training program designed to suit that particular puppy.
If Pet Pals Dog Training finds that a dog isn’t suitable from participating in class or in a program for reasons related to the health and safety, the client will be notified and if the dog can’t join the program, a Veterinarian referral and course/program full payment refund will be issued to the respective client. If this occurs in a Puppy School group class, another dog training alternative will be offered to the client.
I understand and agree to abide by the above terms and conditions.
I certify that the information given to Pet Pals Dog Training is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
In times of COVID – Precautions
If the client or a member of its immediate family acquires COVID they are to let Adriana Milne know asap and the training session will be cancelled and reschedule to a suitable date/ time after the client and its family member has recovered from COVID and has done its period of isolation.
Adriana Milne has been vaccinated with Pfizer 4 times and has had a flu injection in 2023. If a client would like me to wear a face mask indoors when on a private consultation at their home, it'll be perfectly fine by me, the dog trainer.
Pet Pals Dog Training contact details:
Adriana Milne – head trainer & manager
E-mail: Mob: 0416 971 051