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Adriana Milne - head dog trainer qualifications & professional development

Updated: Dec 13, 2023



Studying Diploma of Dog Behavioural Consulting - USA - at present

Certificate IV Companion Animal Services - Dog Training & Behaviour

Delta Society Australia 2008​

Working with Children's Check

​Police Check

​First Aid for Pets course

​Senior First Aid officer - St Johns Ambulance course

OTHER areas:

Diploma of Hospitality Management - Brazil

​Certificate IV Hospitality Operations

William Angliss College of TAFE - Melbourne, Vic. 

​Cert IV Human Nutrition – Brazil


Adriana Milne was a speaker at the following events:

  • PPGA – Pet Professional Guild Australia July 23 webinar - Topic: 'Tips on using Pet Services - dog walking, pet sitting & day care'

  • The Pet Show Melbourne – March 2023 - Topic: ' How to prevent separation anxiety in puppies/ young dogs'

  • The Vet Expo Sydney – October 22 - Topic: 'Offering a great Puppy School experience @ your Vet clinic'



Conferences, seminars and workshops attended – animal field related:


Animal Training & Behaviour, Vet & Pet Industry:

  • The Vet Expo 2022 - Sydney

  • APDT & PPGA Geek Week Dog Training virtual Conference - 'For the Love of Science from 11 - 15/11  2020

  • The Vet Expo Australia - virtual Conference from 28-29/10 -2020

  • APDT  USA - Dog Training virtual Conference - 21 -22/10 - 2020 

  • The Vet Expo Africa - virtual Conference from 7-8/10 - 2020

·     Dog Training & Behaviour webinars attended:

In 2021 – 2023:

·      Enrichment for your Pets – Happy Minds, Happy Pets – Sarah Campbell

·      The Intricacies of Medications Dr. Jacqueline Ley

·      Covid Dogs: Lonely & Socially Inept Louise Newman & Barbara Hodel

·      Animal Physiotherapy: Rehabilitation & Prevention of InjuriesLauren Elliott

·      Understanding your Dog Kerryn Martin

·      Getting started with Deaf Dog Training - Natalie Rogers

·      5 Tips for Parents living with Kids & Dogs Mel Ritterman

·      Assistance Animals – an introduction to context, law & the sector Lisa Robinson

·      Is the ‘pet effect’ real? What the science really saysTiffani Howell

·      Interpreting Dog Behaviour Research: exploring common misunderstandings Dr. D Wormald

·      How to create engaging videos that can help your clientsJose Gomes


·     In 2020:

·    ' Puppy Socialisation & Life Skills' by Barbara Hodel, Dip. CBST, MDI (CPDT)

·     'Coping with COVID-19 - Resilience Toolkit for Vet Professionals' by Dr. Vanessa Rohlf, PhD spec. in Psychology (human-animal interactions)

·     'Understanding livestock guardian dogs is critical to their success as Companion Dogs' by Erin Williams, CPDT MDI

·     'Schedules of Reinforcement' by Dr. Katrina Gregory - Vet Behaviourist

·     'Science in Motion' by Dr. Lisa Ackerman

·     'Planning your Training Sessions' by Elaine Kennedy - SA dog trainer

·     Pet Quality of Life: their final years' by vet industry speaker & counsellor Nikki Catley 

Conferences, seminars & workshops attended:

In 2016: 

·     APDT 2016 Conference – 3 day attendance @ seminars – speakers from the USA:

Robin Bennett: Levels Training programs, My Dog just wants to say Hi – Dog to Dog Introductions, Dog Bites and Dog Fights in an off-leash play setting, Understanding Canine Body Language, How to evaluate dogs for safe off-leash play, Solving your worst problems supervising off -leash play, Mik Moeller Reactive Rover classes, On Leash Reactivity, Behavioural modification for shelter & rescue dogs; from Australia: Dr. Amanda Cole: Fear and Anxiety in dogs, Separation Distress/ Anxiety: A personal journey, How to train a soft dog, Anita Marchesani: Your Ideal Client, Plan your Ideal Business, Get Up and Start Up, Time management Magic, Alexis Davidson: From a Manic Barker to Model Citizen, Un-Chase! Fiona de Rosa: Town Planning for Dog Parks.


·   In 2014:

APDT 2014 Conference - 3 day attendance @ seminars -speakers from the USA: Dianne Garrod - 'Relaxation as part of a canine stress release program', 'Multi dog household fighting' and Emily Larlham: 'Multi dog households', 'Leash walking', 'On target! Tip top Targeting', 'Training for the easily frustrated dog', 'Multi dog tricks' from Australia:  Peta Clarke - 'The sweetest smell of anticipation', 'Conditioner Reinforcer: the good, the bad and the ugly', Marion Brand - 'K-9 Noseworks' and practical demonstration, David Graham 'Farmer Dave' - 'Unleashing K-9's DNA through dog sports', Jaime Jackson - 'Fitnest First', Robyn Hoood - 'Tellington Touch' and Elaine Jackson - 'Children in dog training classes' - Penrith Panthers Club - Sydney, NSW

·   May 2014 - 3 day practical workshop with dogs - 'K-9 Gameswith Dr. Ian Dunbar - British Vet Behaviourist @ Melbourne Showgrounds. 3 days packed with K-9 activities and fun games. Games to teach in dog training classes curriculums.  

In 2013:

·  APDT 2013 Conference - 3 day attendance @ seminars - Speakers: From Australia

- Dr. Debbie Calnon -'Is the problem behavioural or medical?', Dr. Katrina Gregory -' Husbandry Training' and 'Analysis of problematic behaviour', Deb Millikan - ' Bringing CLASS to class', 'Educating the educatior', 'Keeping it fun - incorporating games and tricks in class', from the USA: Pia Silvani- 'Feisty Fidos', getting really reliable behaviours and making them stick', Dog resource guarding: 'Don't touch my stuff!', 'Frightened Fidos', Veronica Boutelle- 'Melbourne, Vic.

·  August 2013 - 'Dangerous Dogs' APDT seminar. Speakers: Dr. Kirsty Seksel & Dr.Terry Theakstone -SARC - Melbourne, Vic. 

·  May 2013 - 'Working Dogs living in the City & Dog Sports' - APDT seminar/ workshop by dog trainer David Graham - 'Farmer Dave' held @ Canine Training & Sports Centre - Box Hill - Sydney, NSW

In 2012:

·  13 October 2012 - 'Rehomed dogs' seminar/ workshop. 'How to make happy & successful partnerships after adopting a dog from the shelter, pound environment ' - Geelong.

Speakers: Dr. Ulrike Wurth, BVSc,  Dip Ac,  IVAS Cert. Acupuncture & Chinese Herbs, Dr. Saranyu Pearson, BVSc ( Hons), LFHom (Vet)- homeopathy for pets, Nadine Dixon - Geelong Animal Welfare, Margaret Deake

- Dogs Victoria senior judge, Helen Read - Delta Society Dog Trainer, Dogs Victoria trainer

·  25-26 August 2012 - DPDTA - Delta Professional Association Quality Assurance Accreditation Seminar, Taronga Zoo - Sydney. Speakers: Dr. Kirsty Seksel- Vet Behaviourist, Dr. Gaille Perrry- Vet Behaviourist, Jenny Judson- Delta Society tutor. Topics discussed: 'Dogs excessive barking ', CGC - Delta Canine Good Citizen new awards, dog nutrition, presentation by Kong Co. in Australia - importance of enriching the dog's environment, DAP- dog appeasing pheromone product information, professional standards.

·  10-12 February 2012 - Dr. Ian Dunbar seminar, British/ American K-9 scientist, Vet Behaviourist, the creator or Puppy School concept - Topic: 'Science Dog Training with Feeling'  Melbourne

·  20-22 January 2012 - Dr. Roger Abrantes seminar, PhD Evolutionary Biology and Ethology Topic: 'The brave new world of Dog Training - Science with a brain and a heart': Sydney         

In 2011:          


· APDT 2011 Conference - Sydney, Speakers: Kay Laurence - UK pet dog clicker trainer on connecting with your dog, Dr. Kersti Seksel - top Australian Vet Behaviourist on Puppy Pre- School, multi dog household and dog socialisation, Vet referrals, canine body language, Gabrielle Carter - Vet Behaviourist on dog behavioural problems, separation anxiety, noise phobias, dog cognitive dysfunction, anxiety and aggression on dogs, puppy training, Nicholas Bishop - Zoo animal trainer on clicker training and bridges

· May-June 2011 - Case study - 'The stray dogs of Brazil' - field study in the areas of Porto Alegre, Gramado and Florianopolis, Brazil

· February 13th, 2011 - Melbourne Zoo field day trip - 'Behind the scenes with the animal trainers': a group of dog trainers spent the whole day observing how the Zoo trainers train certain animal species: brown bear, tree kangaroo, giraffe, tigers, elephants and seals.

In 2010:

· APDT 2010 Conference - Sydney. Speakers: Ken Ramirez- Biologist, animal behaviourist & animal trainer Chicago's Shedd Aquarium, USA with over 30 years experience in his field, Steve White - 35 years law enforcement career, dog trainer and handler for the Seattle Police Canine Unit, USA, Peta Clarke - Nationally Accredited Trainer, 15 years experience as an animal trainer both in Australia and in the USA, APDT current President, Terry Theakstone - Vet Behaviourist, Australia

· October 2010 - 'The Future of Veterinary Behaviour' - evening seminar by Dr. Debbie Calnon & Dr. Caroline Perrin, Vet Behaviourists from Behaviour Counselling Service - Southern Animal Referral Centre,Melbourne

· September 2010 - 'Reactive Dogs' - 1 day seminar - Dr. Katrina Gregory, Vet Behaviourist from Creative Animal Solutions, Vic. -  Patterson Lakes Community Centre, Melbourne

· March 2010 - DPDTA - Delta Pet Dog Trainers Association Quality Assurance 2 day seminar - Melbourne.  Guest speakers: Dr. Debbie Calnon & Dr. Gabrielle Carter - Vet Behaviourists, Ruth Stockton Assistance Dogs Australia,  Sandy Lack - APDT President, Jenny Judson & Jenny Pearce- Delta instructors

· February 2010 - 'Building Better Dogs' 1 Day Seminar - Monash University Clayton - promoted by Animal  Welfare Science Centre - Melbourne. Speakers: Dr. Pauleen Bennett - Monash Uni., Dr. Paul Mc Greevy - vet, animal behaviourist, writer, Dr. Mike Goddard - vet, professor animal genetics University of Melbourne,  Dr. Kate Schoeffel  - vet, dog breeder and PhD students: Kate Mornement, Lisa Tomkins, Mia Cobb, Tammie  King & Vanessa Rohlf

In 2009:

· APDT 2009 Conference - Sydney. Speakers: Dr. Pamela Reid - PhD, Certified Applied Animal Behaviourist, USA. Pamela specialises in animal learning and behaviour; Sarah Kalnajs -CDBC, CPDT, Certified Dog Behaviour Consultant, over 10 years exp. in canine behaviour, training and research.                                   

· March 2009 - Behaviour @ Breakfast - 'Dispelling the "dominance" myth and achieving control of dog behaviour' - Melbourne - promoted by AVA & AVBIG - Melbourne. Speakers: Dr. Pauleen Bennett - Animal Welfare Science Centre Monash University, Dr. Robert Holmes - Animal Behaviour Clinics, Dr. Debbie Calnon BSc BVMS MACVSc ( Animal Behaviour) CMAVA, Dr. Gaille Perry - Sydney Animal Behaviour Service

· January 2009 - 'Puppies and Juvenile dogs behaviour' - Dr. Ian Dunbar - 2 day seminar University of Melbourne - Dr. Dunbar is a British/ American vet, animal behaviourist and writer, he designed the concept of puppy pre-school

In 2008:

·June 2008 - 'Handling Other People's Animals' - 1 Day seminar to CASPA members, by Dr. Jacqui Ley - BVSc (Hons), MACVSc ( Veterinary Behaviour), CMAVA, Melbourne

· 2007-08 Certificate IV Canine Good Citizen (CGC) Instructor 2 year course - Nationally Accredited, Delta Society Australia

In 2006:


·July/ August 2006 - 8 week Level 1 Basics dog course with Jennifer Wilcox, Paw Behaviour Dog Training - Carrum, Melbourne

· June 2006 - 'Managing Other People's Dogs' - 1 Day course to CASPA members Jennifer Wilcox - Paw Behaviour Dog Training - Melbourne

· 2006 - 'Understanding Dog Body Language' - evening seminar by Dr. Debbie Calnon - BSc BVMS MACVSc - Melbourne

In 2005:

· June 2005 - 'Understanding & Managing other People's Dogs' - 1 Day practical workshop to CASPA members held at Australian Animal Protection Society by Jennifer Wilcox - Paw Behaviour Dog Training, Melbourne

· 2005 - 'Aggressive Behaviour in Dogs' - evening seminar by Dr. Debbie Calnon - BSc BVMS MACVSc - Melbourne                                                                                                                        

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